13 Life Lessons I Learnt as a Teacher

Lesson 4: Patience and Perseverance

Growth through patience and perseverance

One of the most impactful poems I’ve ever read remains attributed to an anonymous author. It beautifully captures the essence of patience and perseverance:

He worked by day

And toiled by night.

He gave up play

And some delight.

Dry books he read,

New things to learn.

And forged ahead,

Success to earn.

He plodded on with Faith and pluck;

This poem eloquently illustrates the journey of a hardworking and determined individual dedicated to achieving success. I love it because it echoes deeply with the themes of endurance and patience, highlighting their enormous power in the pursuit of one’s goals.

The Role of Patience and Perseverance

Teaching, like any endeavour, requires patient endurance. While instant gratification is often sought in the world today, the reality of progress, particularly in education and business, is gradual. I’ve learned that true growth comes from consistent effort over time, not sporadic bursts of activity.

Consider the process of learning to read. It’s not about magically decoding words overnight; it’s about daily practice and consistent effort. Think of any worthy endeavour; like learning to play a musical instrument or learning to play a sport. Students who persevere through the initial challenges of getting the basics of whatever they want to learn are the ones who eventually become masters of their craft. Similarly, in business, sustainable success is built on a foundation of the two virtues we are discussing. To be a master at something, you must learn the art of patient endurance. There’s no other way. 

Why Patience and Perseverance Matter

  1. Lead to Consistent Progress. Steady, incremental steps lead to more sustainable and long-term growth. Without patience and endurance, one cannot hope for meaningful progress.

  2. Builds Resilience. Overcoming challenges requires composure and stamina. When you understand that resilience is essential to getting ahead, you become more patient with yourself and persevere.
 Read a related article here.
  3. Reduces Stress. Impatience often leads to stress and burnout. A patient approach promotes a healthier work-life balance. Good things take time. Overnight success is not sustainable.

  4. Improves Decision-Making. Patience allows for careful consideration of options before making decisions. When you have an end goal in mind, you understand that making rushed decisions can harm your long-term prospects of success.

  5. Builds Trustworthiness. When students know that you’re patient with them, they begin to trust you. Demonstrating forbearance builds trust with students, clients, customers, and employees.

By cultivating forbearance, individuals and businesses alike increase their chances of achieving long-term success.

Alexander Zulu
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One comment

  1. Absolutely insightful.
    My key takeaway is that patience reduces stress and promotes a healthier work life balance.

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